Post-Graduation Work Permit

Last updated: September 30, 2019

A Post-Graduation Work Permit (PGWP) is a type of open work permit, allowing the holder to hold employment with almost any employer, again, almost in any occupation. The restrictions are very minimal.

To apply for a PGWP, one has to have studied an eligible course and graduated from an eligible Canadian learning institution within the last 180 days. The word “eligible” is vitally important. It signifies that not all Canadian learning institutions and study programs qualify for this program.

Post-Graduation Work Permit

To avoid major disappointment and frustration in the future, make sure your learning institution and the program you want to study is a Yes on this list. Moreover, not all programs from private institutions are good for Post-Graduation Work Permit program. If you see “Details” under a Yes, then click on it and see if your study program is listed.

Moreover, if you want to remain in Canada as a permanent resident in the future and use your Canadian work experience you gained on a PGWP, you better work in a Skill Level 0, A or B occupation. Minding this tiny detail will render you eligible as a Canadian Experience Class person after 1 year of full-time work experience in Canada.

In conclusion, there are many other details to and pitfalls to avoid in the Post-Graduation Work Permit program. Book a consultation session with me to be held either on Skype or in person (in Ottawa) so that I can explain further and give you advice, tailored to your circumstances.